HUB Sponsors

These sponsors contributed money to make the event happen. Octoblu  paid for food, VincentBenjamin helped pay for shirts and Google Developers is paying for the event venue and a few other things. Without these 3 companies this event wouldn't happen!

GOLD Sponsors

These sponsors donated physical goods or a smaller amount that the HUB sponsors and combined it was enough to help pay for shirts printing the after party, prizes . . . the list of expenses covered here go on and on. Plus in many cases they brought stuff to give away!


These instutions gave us discounts! Thanks!

SUPER Friends

These companies all spent time (in some cases, countless hours) helping make the event great. Cupcakes and print design and rush print jobs for shirts and badges and the list goes on and on. (Secret link here)


These groups inspire us and are generous with advice and support. 

Presented by GDG Phoenix and IoT Phoenix Meetup